M-ARCH-T program is taught by all the chairs of the Institute of Architecture. The mandatory core studies that were specifically developed for the program, are taught by the following chairs:


Chair for Architectural Theory

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil Jörg H. Gleiter

The Chair for Architectural Theory focuses on the critical reflection of the theoretical foundations of architecture. It aims at the reformulation of a critical epistemology of architecture. Central to any such critical reflection is to question, affirm, or reformulate the ideas and models that underlie the material, social and cultural practices of the living environment. Thus, a particular focus is given to concepts at the core of architecture that only in a continuous process of transformation remain true to themselves.

Chair for History of Architecture and Urbanism

GP Dr. Phil. Ursula Quatember

History of architecture and urbanism explains architecture and the city in their specific historical context and is an indispensable school of thought for prospective architects. The aim is, to understand architecture and the city as the visible expression of the culture of an epoch.

Gebäudekunde und Entwerfen

GP Sandra Bartoli & GP Silvan Linden 

Chair for Urban Design and Urbanization

Prof. Jörg Stollmann

The Chair for Urban Design and Urbanization is focused on socially just and climate conscious urban design for people, plants, animals, fungi and crystals. CUD research and design projects explore the complex history, current use, ecology and economy of the urban and contemporary modes of urban governance. Cooperative and community-based design processes are investigated, developed and tested in teaching, research and practice.

Chair of Visual Arts

Prof. Dr. Stefanie Bürkle

Our definition of Art goes far beyound the basic principles of design. An Artist´s approach to space is above all a particular way of thinking, perceiving and acting. At the intersection between art and architecture, the unique position as Chair of Viusal Arts within the architecture department is engaging our communication of artistic knowledge, tools and methods to the evolving architects throughout selected art and research projects.

Collaborative Design Laboratory

Prof. Dr. Ignacio Borrego

CoLab is a collaborative design laboratory that examines the transfers between design strategies and contemporary production. Collaboration and digital fabrication are involved in our teaching methodology and research activity. CoLab Berlin is part of the international network founded in Madrid in 2009, and it is based at the Architectural Representation and Design Department of the TU Berlin.