M-ARCH-T is a 4-semester consecutive master’s program in architecture, which is awarded with the title “Master of Science” (M.Sc.). The program comprises 120 credit points according to the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The program is grouped around central design studios and three further mandatory courses in typology, architectural theory and history as well as art and urban design. M-ARCH-T is running parallel and in close cooperation with the German Master’s program in architecture. It is taught in English.
Further information about the master degree program and official documents can be found on the TUBerlin new IfA website.
This Study Course Plan (pdf) will give you an overview over the 4 semesters of the regular duration of study with the correspondent core modules.
The English Version of the degree and examination regulations for the consecutive international master’s program in Architecture – Typology at Faculty VI of the Technische Universität Berlin can be found here.
For an overview of all classes and seminars offered for the summer term 2024, check out the link!
As an introductory studio project, the Typology Studio is obligatory for all students in first semester. It focuses on the mediation and application of typological design approaches and methods in the context of concrete design tasks. The theme of the design project is re-determined each semester with the city of Berlin serving as a laboratory for typological developments. This studio format will support the social and content-related exchanges among the students of the program from different countries and cultures.
Course Information
Design Studio + PIV Integrative Seminar
This course conveys profound knowledge about methods of analysis and uses of specific methods in relation to increasingly complex typological challenges. The course is taught as an integrative event covering fundamental knowledge about typology and scale: the dependency between design scales, interactions between different scales in planning practice as well as comparative classification of typological developments along concrete examples (e.g. Berlin Block vs Barcelona Block). Also, specific analysis and design methods are conveyed related to specific typologies and aspects (e.g. scale, size, thickness). Current and relevant typological issues are examined thereby.
Course Information
Integrated Course
Prof. Ignacio Borrego
Sekretariat A 28
GP Silvan Linden
Type and Model builds the basis of the theoretical and historic comprehension of typological thinking and designing in architecture through seminar, lectures and tutorials. It centers the attention on typological thinking in the context of the formation of modern architecture over the course of more than 500 years. It creates an awareness of the development of typological thinking in the process of the differentiation of our living environment and consequently the differentiation of architecture. Type and Archetypes, model and matrix are fundamental concepts, especially in times when typological thinking is transforming under the conditions of computational design, BIM and mass customization.
Course Information
Integrated Course
Prof. Jörg Gleiter
Sekretariat A 65
GP Dr. phil. Ursula Quatember
Sekretariat A 22
Types and Translation researches the ways in which types of cities, buildings and open spaces are being vitalized, appropriated and transformed. How these types “migrate” through time and eras, from one culture to the other, from one land to another, being at the same time object of constant transformation. The course focuses on visual methods in field studies: current uses, transformations, and tactics for appropriation will be investigated and analyzed through built examples (vernacular, informal and formal building) in Berlin and elsewhere. Typology and social development are reflected in their interdependence. The course serves as a basis for critical research designing and space-oriented research.
Course Information
Integrated Course
Prof. Stefanie Bürkle
Sekretariat A 5
Prof. Jörg Stollmann
Sekretariat A 30
Mandatory Electives can be chosen from the module handbook of the M-ARCH-T program. The selectable modules are re-scheduled each semester by the program coordinators and partially coincide with the regular English study program of the other Master’s programs in Architecture.
Free Electives may be chosen from the entire course catalogue of TU Berlin.